Moving Services

Ujamaa Hauling Services

Uniting our community, one move at a time.

Our ServicesAbout Us

we’ll get your stuff where it needs to go

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Moving With Pride

About Us

Ujamaa Hauling Services is a family run business helping the community by taking the stress and time out of moving! We provide junk removal, general hauling, and small furniture moving.

Whether you need a bigger vehicle, have no one to help you move, or just need an extra hand (or truck!), we’re happy to help!

Ujamaa Hauling truck

What We Do

Our Services

We understand how important your belongings are to you, so we ensure to take extra care during our moves, treating your things the same as, if not better than, we’d treat our own.

Equipment Hauling

including lawn mowers, tillers, and other machinery.

Landscaping Hauling

including shrubs and trees, gravel, or dirt.

Junk Hauling

we will make trips to the landfill if necessary.

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